I want to be a Business Analyst… Raise me, mentor me, and set me free! [Read more...]
In this month’s issue of the Modern Analyst eJournal, you’ll find some great thought leadership on the value of and establishing Business Analysis Communities of Practice (BA COP) or Business Analysis Centers of Excellence (BA COE) which can act as the starting point of BA apprenticeship and mentoring programs.
Also in this issue you’ll find insightful articles on the Business Analyst Career Progression and the Potholes of Office Politics that new BAs may be faced with.
And in the spirit of providing you with a solid technical background, we continue our SOA series with an introduction of More Confusing SOA Terms.
Also in this issue:
> Free Pass to World Congress for BAs
> New Interview Questions
> More Business Analyst Humor
- Adrian Marchis, Editor
Establishing a Business Analysis Community of Practice, Part 4
by Sam Cherubin, Business Analyst & Consultant
Babies and Business Analysts go through four stages, as they open their eyes and see. In Stage 1, with eyes closed, BAs are blind to their organization’s mess. In Stage 2, as their eyes begin to open, BAs see in black and white: a single process step, template or isolated requirement. In Stage 3, the mobile movement of the outside world attracts and delights them: industries, methodologies...
Business Analyst Career Progression
by Kimberly Terribile, Manager of Business Analysis
Many business analysts' find themselves in their role quite by coincidence but once there either decide this is a role they love or hate. There are certain requirements or competencies you must display to be successful in this profession. We will first explore the foundational knowledge and skills needed in the early part of a business analysts' career and then what is required to progress.

The Potholes of Office Politics
by Timothy Johnson, Chief Accomplishment Officer, Carpe Factum, Inc.
A couple of months ago, I was driving along when my headlights fell upon a large pool of standing water. The little boy in me still loves splashing in puddles. I smiled at the thought of creating a huge spray. Unfortunately ... what I thought was going to be a fun splash turned into a blown tire and bent rim. GRRRRR. As business analysts, we encounter these water-filled potholes all too often.
Business Analysis Center of Excellence
by Kathleen (Kitty) Hass, Principal Consultant, K. Hass and Associates
Centers of excellence are emerging as a vital strategic asset to serve as the primary vehicle for managing complex change initiatives. A center of excellence is a team of people that is established to promote collaboration and the application of best practices...
More Confusing SOA Terms
by John Moe, Head of Business Consulting, Alphacourt
In the last article I covered the term Service to death. In this one I want to go through a number of other SOA Three Letter Acronyms and terms that you may come across and for which you would like to be able to nod knowingly.
Gaining Consistency and Productivity through Rapid and Iterative Requirements
Wed, July 15, 2009 10:00 AM Pacific (5:00 PM GMT) Register Now!
World Congress for Business Analysts
June 24-26, 2009 - 15% Discount for Modern Analyst members More Details
Do you want a FREE Pass? Find out how.
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