Sep 02, 2024
I like use cases. There, I said it, and I’m not sorry. Use cases have fallen out of fashion in recent years, being largely replaced by user stories on agile projects. The two techniques can coexist and complement each other, however.  Use cases offer several advantages that user stor...
I like use cases. There, I said it, and I’m not sorry. Use cases have fallen out of fashion in recent years, being largely replaced by user stories on agile projects. The two...
Business Ecosystem Modeling (BEM) is one such approach that enables organizations to map, understand, and leverage the intricate web of relationships within their ecosystem to driv...
Regardless of the definition, decades of research show that team dynamics and qualities can sway project outcomes. Whether success is about productivity, efficiency, quality, or sc...

BA Humor & Cartoons

Economies of Scale - You might not be a BA if...Business Analysts Anonymous (BAA)Baseline - You might not be a BA if...

Templates & Aides

Templates & AidesTemplates & Aides: find and share business analysis templates as well as other useful aides (cheat sheets, posters, reference guides) in our Templates & Aides repository.  Here are some examples:
* Requirements Template
* Use Case Template
* BPMN Cheat Sheet

Community Blog - Latest Posts

The CEO/CIO's Guide to Architecting AI: Vision to Value in Minutes Introduction to Architected AI Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming part of our life at an unprecedented pace. As CEOs and CIOs grapple with how to leverage this powerful technology to drive strategy and enhance operations, the concept of Architected AI becomes importa...
In today's dynamic business environment, mastering effective business analysis techniques is crucial for organizations aiming to achieve sustainable growth and competitive advantage. Business analysis involves the systematic evaluation of business processes, requirements, and strategies to uncover insights that drive informed decision-making. T...
For many years now, a lot of people have found it difficult to identify the difference between Sankey diagrams and parallel sets. The two have made headlines, given that most people find it challenging to note what makes them different from each other. What remains to be undeniable is the fact that the Sankey diagram is among the top data visualiza...

MA Blog - Selected Posts

BA ABCs: “A” is for Activity Diagram
This blog begins a series on BA tools, based on my book “The Business Analyst’s Handbook”. In each blog, I’ll be moving through the alphabet, highligh... Read More...

Why I Do This
I was at a talk yesterday by American artist Lawrence Weiner. He spent half the time saying there was nothing he had to say about his art; the next ha... Read More...

A framework for defining competencies for business systems analysts
If you are managing business or systems analysts, trying to identify the skills and competencies required of your analysts is not an easy task. The ex... Read More...



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