Diaries of Business/Systems Analysts

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Systems Analyst

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The Analyst: Khalid Bashir Simaan

Khaild Bashir Simaan

Name: Khalid Bashir Simaan

Title: Lead Business System Analyst

Company: American Express


Business Systems Analyst: Irene Du

Irene DuName: Irene Du 

Title: Business Systems Analyst

Company: BMO, Toronto



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... Are you involved in Business Analysis or Systems Analysis?
... Do you want to be featured in the Analyst Diaries?

Send us your name, e-mail, title, employer, a brief summary of your professional experience, and a description of your current role.

You can submit this info via e-mail to [email protected] or you can use the submission form: Submit My Diary (must be logged-in)

Our editors will review the information and will send you additional questions to round up your diary.

If you wish, we will also place a link at the end of your diary to a page of your choice (this could be your Modern Analyst profile page, your employer's site, your own website, etc.).


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