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New Post 9/22/2010 2:05 PM
User is offline Lusey
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New Software Development Tool: From BA to QA  
Modified By Lusey  on 9/22/2010 4:44:02 PM)

A new tool that we've just launched, Janova, is meant to fix the typical communication breakdown in software development cycles. Janova is a new, automated testing tool that has requirements as the tests themselves. I'll try to explain this the best that I can.

Janova is split up into different applications, with assorted users and admins who have access to different projects based on their access levels. A BA can write requirements in plain English (no coding needed at all) into a test in Janova. A developer could then look at that set of requirements (which is all in the web; Janova is browser based), and begin developing to meet those requirements.

If at any time the developer has strayed from the original requirements, or the BA has changed what requirements he wants, then that is updated instantly in the test itself. Changes are on the fly.

After development, a QA tester can then locate the web ids and necessary fields for creating the automated test itself, however the original requirements are still the skeleton for that test. Once the QA tester has finished, the original BA requirements are still present (along with any dynamic changes along the way).

From there on out, Janova is an efficient, automated testing tool that operates in the cloud from your browser. Schedule batches, run tests simultaneously to increase speed and efficiency, and much more.

I think you'll realize from a BA perspective and all the way down the software development life-cycle, that Janova eliminates the breakdown in communication as everything takes place in the same place.

We are giving out 30-day free trials right now at

Give it a try and leave your feedback, as we are tailoring this towards the BA audience and downward so let me know what you think.

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