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New Post 6/20/2020 6:10 AM
User is offline MadiMo
31 posts
9th Level Poster

Are Requirements the same as Benefits in this example? 

Dear Business Analysts.


I am required to create a benefits tracking for my project. I am just feeling that I have done this through requirements gathering and the justification of each requirement that links to a tangible expected benefit. I have also done the acceptance criteria and how the achievement of that requirement will be assessed. From that basis I feel that I have done a bit of benefits tracking.

An example of what I am talking about:

Requirement: The system must be able to transfer 100k files per day

Justification: To increase the daily capacity in processing applications automatically, and to reduce the waiting time for 40 applications by 24 hours each.

Acceptance Criteria:  Assurance that the received volumes of applications are up to the new maximum capacity of 140 applications.

Acceptance Method: Daily reviews of the number of applications received/ of total available applications. To be assured by a system generated report that include each application with its reference number.


Requirement Maturity Time: Instantly post system roll-out

My question was this an example of a benefit tracking too as much as it is a requirement documentation?

Many thanks



New Post 6/23/2020 7:48 PM
User is offline Kimbo
456 posts
5th Level Poster

Re: Are Requirements the same as Benefits in this example? 
Modified By Kimbo  on 6/23/2020 9:50:59 PM)

Hi MadiMo,

This probably describes the benefit in your example:

"Justification: To increase the daily capacity in processing applications automatically, and to reduce the waiting time for 40 applications by 24 hours each."

The benefits might be something like:

"Application processing wait time reduced by 24 hours"

"Maximum capacity of applications increased to 140 per day"

These contain metrics that can be measured easily. 

You might also consider what happens if the maximum capacity is breached in a day.



New Post 6/26/2020 2:36 AM
User is offline MadiMo
31 posts
9th Level Poster

Re: Are Requirements the same as Benefits in this example? 

Hi Kimbo,


Thank you for the reply, I understand your point, which is useful. I just wonder when it comes to benefit tracking is the tracking tools I added here for the requirement can be used for the benefit as the same? 




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