Enterprise Business Analysis Is the Solution


Billions of dollars earmarked for new technologies, at the same time billion-dollar projects are failing. Virtual teams who can’t implement Virtualization. Service Oriented Architecture when customers are no longer oriented towards your services.

Where can you turn to? Who can you trust?

Enterprise Business Analysis is the solution

EBA is Strategic, Process and Organizational Consulting:
o Strategic – Planning and execution.
o Process – the steps.
o Organizational – the whole enchilada.
o Consulting - Internal or external, the combination of expertise and intuition, Techne and Poesis, improvisation and practice in planning and supporting the enchilada’s goals.

You are already familiar with EBA, under its many masks for the diagnosis of the patient, and prescription for the cure:

  • Best Practices
  • Change Management
  • Coaching/Mentoring
  • Process and Operational Improvement
  • Strategy Development
  • Technology analysis, recommendations and implementation

Author: Sam Cherubin



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