The Modern Analyst Blog for Business Analysts

Entries for 'Howard Podeswa'

Recently, I was asked by the IIBA to present a talk at one of their chapter meetings. I am reprinting here my response to that invitation in the hope that it will begin a conversation with fellow EEPs and BAs about an area of great concern to the profession. Hi xx …. Regarding the IIBA talk, there is another issue that I am considering. It's p...
15 Responses
This entry was published on Oct 08, 2012 / Howard Podeswa. Posted in IIBA & BABOK. Bookmark the Permalink or E-mail it to a friend.
I am no longer a Webinar virgin. Thanks to the good folks at the IIBA, this week I had my first Webinar experience as an interviewee as part of the IIBA’s ‘ABC’ (Authors, Books and Conversations) series. The host, Julian Sammy, was brilliant in being able to pick out the questions that would be the most difficult for me to answer. (I hear that’s wh...
27 Responses
This entry was published on Feb 15, 2011 / Howard Podeswa. Posted in Business Analysis, Soft Skills, Career as a Business Systems Analyst, Getting Started as a Business Systems Analyst. Bookmark the Permalink or E-mail it to a friend.
At the end of my IIBA Webinar I tossed out a question to listeners: What are the quantitative benefits of business analysis? It’s something I’ve been spending some time on. While there are many touted (and self-obvious) benefits of analysis , hard figures are hard to come by – and it’s hard figures that high-level executives want to see when we ma...
3 Responses
This entry was published on Nov 27, 2010 / Howard Podeswa. Posted in Leadership & Management, Getting Started as a Business Systems Analyst. Bookmark the Permalink or E-mail it to a friend.
#2 in the series: “B” is for BPMN This blog continues a series on BA tools, based on my book “The Business Analyst’s Handbook”. In each blog, I move through the alphabet, highlighting a BA tool that begins with the letter of the day. Today’s letter is “B” – for Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN). BPMN is the name of a standard often used fo...
6 Responses
This entry was published on Sep 12, 2010 / Howard Podeswa. Posted in Business Process Management (BPM), Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN). Bookmark the Permalink or E-mail it to a friend.
BA ABCs: “A” is for Activity Diagram
This blog begins a series on BA tools, based on my book “The Business Analyst’s Handbook”. In each blog, I’ll be moving through the alphabet, highlighting a BA tool that begins with the letter of the day (not quite Sesame Street, but not PeeWee ‘s Playhouse either). Today’s letter is “A” – for activity diagram. Example: The following activity dia...
5 Responses
This entry was published on May 17, 2010 / Howard Podeswa. Posted in Unified Modeling Language (UML). Bookmark the Permalink or E-mail it to a friend.
Agile Development: What we can learn from property developers – or what they’ve learned from us
Readers of this blog (both of you; I know you’re out there!) may have gathered by now that I’m a big fan of mixing it up: art/science/business/philosophy/politics/psychology and anything else that can be thrown into the pot. I believe that the more you let your worlds bleed into each other, the more opportunity there is to benefit from th...
9 Responses
This entry was published on Dec 13, 2009 / Howard Podeswa. Posted in SDLC, Process, and Methodologies, Agile Methods, Rational Unified Process (RUP). Bookmark the Permalink or E-mail it to a friend.
In these ‘tough economic times’ everything seems to be measured in dollar value and if that kind of value isn’t readily discernable, we often assume there is no other value either – or none that matters. It’s behind personal financial expert Suze Orman’s diatribe against teachers (who, according to Suze, can’t possibly have any self-respect if they...
2 Responses
This entry was published on Jul 10, 2009 / Howard Podeswa. Posted in Business Analysis, Soft Skills. Bookmark the Permalink or E-mail it to a friend.
As a BA, one of the central guiding principles for me has always been, "If it isn't going to make a difference to the outcome, don't do it." Yet I see a lot of confusion amongst BAs about how much analysis to do on a given project. Are structural models (class diagrams and ERDs) always worth doing or are they a waste of time? How much detail should...
12 Responses
This entry was published on May 03, 2009 / Howard Podeswa. Posted in Business Analysis, Tools. Bookmark the Permalink or E-mail it to a friend.
I was at a talk yesterday by American artist Lawrence Weiner. He spent half the time saying there was nothing he had to say about his art; the next half saying it.  I enjoyed it thoroughly.  Something he had to say really stuck with me: that art is all about creating a logical structure for viewing the world.  It helped me understand...
0 Responses
This entry was published on Mar 13, 2009 / Howard Podeswa. Posted in Class Diagram, Business Analysis, Domain Modeling, Career as a Business Systems Analyst. Bookmark the Permalink or E-mail it to a friend.


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