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BPMN Model & Simulation: Loan Processing (as-is + to-be)

BPMN Model & Simulation: Loan Processing (as-is + to-be)
Statistics: 32404 Views // 2 Comments // Article Rating
Posted by: Derek Weeks on Friday, April 8, 2011
A Jump-Start on BPMN Modeling
BPMN is the standard for business process modeling, but business analysts are frequently at a loss for where to begin their process modeling efforts. To help jump-start BPMN process modeling and analysis efforts, we are supplying a set of pre-built models and simulations for popular processes. These models were built through real-world process improvement engagements. These models are not expected to match your organization’s own processes, but should help you get a head start on your modeling and process improvement efforts. To help you better understand the models, simulation results, and improvement reports, a companion guide (.pdf) is offered in the .zip file to provide a summary of the business situation that established their creation.
More About The Loan Processing Example
The BPMN process modeling and simulation exercise at SuperLenders provided a clear understanding of what their current (as-is) process was and concise changes they could make to meet the increased demand expected from the new marketing programs. With these specific changes in place, SuperLenders’ current-state process was revamped, resulting in:
» Completion times lowered on average by 80 minutes to 12 hours and 46 minutes
» Utilization rates for account managers and clerks were kept below the goal at 78%
» Increased cost of processing loans moved to €33.43 -- an increase of €2.08, but below the goal of €35
» Completion of 40 loans per day on average -- doubling throughput while keeping customer satisfaction high
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M. Buchanan posted on Thursday, April 4, 2013 11:48 AM
These were very helpful. Thank you!
Angelique82 posted on Wednesday, October 28, 2015 6:56 AM
This is wrong on so many levels...
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