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Requirements SL-07 - Template with Examples

44051 Views // 4 Comments // Article Rating
Requirements SL-07 - Template with Examples

Business Analysts, IT developers and consultants often ask for sample requirements specification as a starting point in their specific project. This document is such a specification. It is a template filled out with a complex example: requirements for an Electronic Health Record system (EHR).


Visio-based BPMN Model for Accounts Payable

34819 Views // 5 Comments // Article Rating
Visio-based BPMN Model for Accounts Payable

BPMN is the standard for business process modeling, but business analysts are frequently at a loss for where to begin their process modeling efforts. To help jump-start BPMN process modeling and analysis efforts, we are supplying a set of pre-built models and simulations for popular processes. These models were built through real-world process improvement engagements.


BPMN Model & Simulation: Loan Processing (as-is + to-be)

30806 Views // 2 Comments // Article Rating
BPMN Model & Simulation: Loan Processing (as-is + to-be)

To help jump-start BPMN process modeling and analysis efforts, we are supplying a set of pre-built models and simulations for popular processes. These models were built through real-world process improvement engagements. These models are not expected to match your organization’s own processes, but should help you get a head start on your modeling and process improvement efforts.



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