Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN)Quick Reference Guide courtesy of No Magic Inc. This at a glance resources is a great mini-poster for every business analyst who needs to reference the BPMN standard on a moment's notice.
This BPMN Quick Reference Guide covers the key concepts of the Business Process Modeling Notation in one concise page. The cheat sheet contains a quick reference of the BPMN symbols as well as a comprehensive example. This is a great handy reference for every business analyst.
A cool presentation of best practices to improve "process improvement initiatives".
Take a look!
Improvement of this process at Big Corp began with the manager of the RMA processing team clearly defining the following goals: »» Average overall processing time not to exceed 7 hour SLA »» Keep current RMA staffing levels at or below 20 individuals »» Reduce RMA processing costs by 25%
BPMN is the standard for business process modeling, but business analysts are frequently at a loss for where to begin their process modeling efforts. To help jump-start BPMN process modeling and analysis efforts, we are supplying a set of pre-built models and simulations for popular processes. These models were built through real-world process improvement engagements.
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