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Simplified Process Mapping Methodology

Simplified Process Mapping Methodology
Statistics: 33994 Views // 3 Comments // Article Rating
Posted by: Derek Weeks on Tuesday, August 10, 2010

This document has been created for Project Managers, Business Analysts, and BPM professionals seeking improvement using proven analysis techniques. It has been designed to help experts and non-experts alike; providing a rich and succinct framework for new analysts or managers interested in analyzing and simulating processes. If you are new to process analysis and simulation, this document will guide you through your first process analysis project. For experts, short-cuts, best practices and examples will help you get the most from BPMN modeling and analysis tools like Visio Premium 2010 and its analystView simulation plug-in.

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Derek Weeks posted on Saturday, August 14, 2010 4:48 PM
After you read this Guide, please leave comments as to how we might improve the contents. We are happy to update the content based on your comments. We'll shoot for once a quarter if people leave enough comments here.

You can also send us email at featurerequest AT global360 DOT com.
mandla posted on Sunday, October 2, 2011 1:40 PM
Highlight important aspects of process reengineering and mapping
yunx posted on Wednesday, April 15, 2015 9:41 AM
thanks. i'll read it for my knowledge
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