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Industry Analyst Nathaniel Palmer Addresses BP Logix Customer Advisory Board
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Posted by: Ingrid02 on Wednesday, June 7, 2017

BPM Thought-leader Presents the Future of Digital Transformation 

San Diego, CA – June 6, 2017 –– BP Logix, provider of BPM solutions for rapid workflow app development, today announced that it welcomed Nathaniel Palmer, research analyst and editor of, as a guest speaker. Addressing key customers at the 2017 Customer Advisory Board meeting, held in La Jolla, CA, Palmer delivered a provocative and challenging view of the future. His presentation “Digital Disruption and What to Expect by 2020,” addressed the ways in which “process” is driving  innovation, discussed shifts from physical to digital, and the ways in which digital disruption is forever changing customer expectations regarding access to information.

In Palmer’s presentation, “Digital Disruptors” were represented as those companies who built their businesses with business process management (BPM), including, notably, Tesla, Verizon, Uber and Airbnb. These companies leveraged the promise of Intelligent Automation, a place where process, rules and data converge. With an understanding of “process” goals, business events and decisions expand the possibilities of what can be automated. Palmer also shared his predictions for the future, including his suggestion that Intelligent Agents will represent consumers in 50% of commercial transactions— and that 25% of brands will abandon mobile apps in favor of intelligent agent-based interfaces.

“We are pleased that Nathaniel could join our Customer Advisory Board meeting this year,” stated Marti Colwell, VP of Marketing and Business Development at BP Logix. “He brought a very interesting and well-documented perspective to the event, tying the past, current and future to ’process.’ Board members from process-oriented marketing, manufacturing and legal firms, as well as leading educational institutions, found Nathaniel’s presentation to both reflect conventional thinking and address future trends.”

For more information on creating a foundation that defines the process experience, read the white paper “Transforming your Business to Achieve Operational Excellence.”

About BP Logix

BP Logix unites IT and business users enabling them to deploy sophisticated, form-based, workflow-driven enterprise apps in a fraction of the time and a fraction of the cost of traditional development. Our award-winning business process management (BPM) software powers workflow-driven solutions that cross organizational boundaries, embracing the C-suite, operations, sales, customers and prospects.

Customers including Abbott Labs, the City of West Allis, DuPont, IDEX, Leo Burnett USA, Memphis Light, Gas and Water, MultiPlan, Starwood Hotels and Resorts and Vulcan Materials Company rely on Process Director’s full mobile support; SharePoint, MS Dynamics and MS Office integration, and social media support to build award-winning applications that deliver clear and measurable improvements in productivity, compliance and customer engagement.

The BP Logix name and logo are the registered service and trademarks of BP Logix, Inc.

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