Humor & Comics for the Business Analyst

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Business Analyst, Requirements, or Business Analysis Cartoon/Humor/Comics Submission

Do you have a great cartoon idea relevant to the business analyst or related to requirements and business analysis?  If so, we want to hear from you.  Just submit us your idea and you may see it in one of our future cartoons.  You can also e-mail your humor ideas to cartoons[at]ModernAnalyst[dot]com.




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Cascade Day 7 - Principle #4 - Pick the right project(s) for the business
Principle #4 - Pick the right project(s) for the business. At any one time, the IT department of an average company is running multiple projects... Read More...

The Red Team: A Simple But Effective Method to Improve Mission Planning
The May 1, 2011 mission to find Osama Bin Laden has become one of the most celebrated military mission planning successes in recent memory due to the ... Read More...

Role Of Tacit Knowledge In Business Analysis
  Knowledge can be explicit as well as tacit. Explicit knowledge is something that can be easily documented, studied and transferred from... Read More...

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