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New Post 3/4/2012 10:33 AM
User is offline MajuryACSI
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Interview Help - senior business systems analyst & Small Organisation 



I have a second stage interview where I need to prepare a 15 min presentation (details in bold) and present it to all of the heads of dept in the firms IT dept. 


What you say are main skills and attributes required of a senior business systems analyst, as I have been a straightforward Business Analyst (although worked with lots of systems) and the definition of Modern Analyst does seem to apply to me. So I was thinking of highlighting both the systems analyst specific points as well the need to be a Modern Analyst. 


Also other than the hopefully lack of bureaucracy what would you say are the advantages of working in a small organisation and defines a successful team of analysts within a small organisation, as I have always worked for large organisations such as HSBC, Citi, RBS, and Barclays, where the change dept is probably larger than the firm I am interviewing with employee wise.

Any help or advice will be appreciated.




Senior Business Systems Analyst Vacancy

Stage Two Interview Process

As part of the second phase of the Senior Business Systems Analyst recruitment process we would like the

interviewee to give a 15 minute presentation on the following topic:

“What do you see as the main skills and attributes required of a senior business systems analyst, and what

defines a successful team of analysts within a small organisation?

Outline some of the key challenges to acquiring these skills; and define the role of the senior analyst in

assisting with the development of junior, less experienced analysts.

Please feel free to use any appropriate examples based on your experiences to emphasis any key points.”

There will then follow a Q&A session on the presentation followed by a more general questioning session on

previous experience and CV by the selection panel comprising of the  IT Management Team.


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