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New Post 3/4/2012 10:37 AM
User is offline MajuryACSI
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Re: Rejected at interviews for being too technical 

 I have had the same problem as Arnie, with regard to being too technical and recently when interviewing for an AVP position got rejected for the same reason and thought I couldnt work with that level of stakeholder despite previously working with Global Heads and Reginal Heads with SVP being my lowest level stakeholder. 


In that case I found that they werent letting me complete the S part of STAR format of answering competency based questions and I believe were just looking for corporate buzzword answers!

New Post 3/5/2012 5:22 AM
User is offline KJ
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Re: Rejected at interviews for being too technical 


This is a bit of a dilemma. Move on to the next interview. I think what is important is that you are capable of abstract and concrete thought. Programmers who become BAs are normally prone to jumping into design (concrete) mode too quickly. And, a BA with a Liberal Arts Degree might be hovering too much in the abstract domain. When you have to extract the essential requirements from an existing system (process), you need to "abstract" the information from a detailed (concrete) process, especially when you interview an SME, who will tell you HOW they do things, and you need to extract the "what".

So here the trick! When next you go for the interview ask the interviewer to give you a little bit of background of themselves. I was once interviewed by a Chef and another time by a Landscape Gardner who happen to have worked for the recruitement firm for a few weeks. Once you know their background, slant your responses to their requirements ( speak their language). If the interviewer tells you that they once wrote a Compiler with LALR parsing and the Lex analyser in C++, you may have to start talking some technical stuff. However, if the interviewer has no idea what a "Boolean" is (say), you need to hover.

At the end of the day, the objective is to get the job. The assumption is that you can do the job eitherwise you wont be there for the interview.

Just some thoughts,

warm regards,


New Post 3/7/2012 3:24 AM
User is offline vicky mentor
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Re: Rejected at interviews for being too technical 

Try to be simple and answer questions straight and without going much in to its technical. 

Always talk general about the topic.

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