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New Post 1/20/2015 8:28 PM
User is offline Richiethekiwi
1 posts
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International Diploma of Business Analysis 

Hi there -

Has anyone completed the BCS International Diploma of Business Analysis?

I am considering this certification... just wondering what the benefit of this diploma would be over and above CBAP (which I already have).

Many thanks -



New Post 1/22/2015 12:06 AM
User is offline Kimbo
456 posts
5th Level Poster

Re: International Diploma of Business Analysis 

Probably no benefit Richard. Search job ads to see if its mentioned. CBAP seems to be the go at the moment. The PMI is introducing a BA certification soon that might rival it eventually, but not yet.


New Post 1/23/2015 3:02 AM
User is offline NitWitNick
259 posts
5th Level Poster

Re: International Diploma of Business Analysis 

You will probably have to go to London for the Oral Exam.

First Floor
The Davidson Building
5 Southampton Street
London WC2E 7HA
Telephone 01793 417666

These area and inset maps have been simplified in the interests of ease of understanding. 

Not all roads are shown. The inset map below is more accurate.

Access by car is very difficult due to the local one-way system. 

There are no car parking facilities at BCS London. 

The nearest car park is located on Drury lane, Parker Street, Parker Mews, London, WC2B 5NT.

The rear door in Exeter Street is to be used for deliveries only and is normally locked.

The main entrance is fully accessible to wheelchair users and should be used by all staff and visitors.

On arrival, report to the Davidson Building Reception who will direct you to the first floor.


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