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New Post 3/11/2014 9:11 PM
User is offline Maryam Masouimrad
3 posts
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Problem with Ratinal Software Architect (RSA) 

I work as a software analyst with Rational Software Architect Version: 7.0.0 (c) Copyright IBM Corp. and others 2000, 2006. Unfortunately, Our team have faced with a huge problem recently. So, I am writing to ask you about it and I would be pleased if you could help me in solving that.

The problem is that after some "commit"s, we find out that some  classes are deleted from some diagrams and models accidentally and unconsciously. In other words, no one have deleted that class, it  is in the models up to a revision and after that revision it is  disappeared.  I am writing to ask you about the reason of this problem and a solution to overcome that if it is possible for you

New Post 3/12/2014 7:44 AM
User is offline fred
13 posts
10th Level Poster

Re: Problem with Ratinal Software Architect (RSA) 

 Do you have a repository or is it just a file system that you are saving it in? Are multiple people working with the model or just one?

New Post 3/13/2014 4:01 AM
User is offline Maryam Masouimrad
3 posts
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Re: Problem with Ratinal Software Architect (RSA) 

yes we have a repository and different analysts work with the model buy the classes which are dissapeared are not deleted intentionally. Sometimes after an analyst's commit, a class from a different analyst's diagram is dissapeared.

New Post 3/14/2014 9:46 AM
User is offline fred
13 posts
10th Level Poster

Re: Problem with Ratinal Software Architect (RSA) 

Ok, so if your repository is organized around packages and you have each package as something you can check in or out and there is a relationship between two packages (are you with me so far?) and two different people check out those packages and make edits to diagrams that have the same object then RSA will get confused and hammer your model. 

To get around that (not a good solution but it works) is to check out the package you are working on and all related packages and then check them back in when you are done. 

That should help solve the problem. 

New Post 3/18/2014 11:01 PM
User is offline Maryam Masouimrad
3 posts
No Ranking

Re: Problem with Ratinal Software Architect (RSA) 

We have used a solution somehow like what you recommended since 6months ago, but the problem persists. We do not work with RSA at the same time. Each analyst updates the RSA, locks it, changes his/her package and after he/she commits his changes, another analyst starts using it but we face the same problem yet.

Anyway, thanks for your reply. Now we are sure that it's the problem of RSA not our way of using that because some of my colleagues believe that a tool by IBM could not have such problems and it is our mistakes that cause these difficulties.

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