Hi Tony,
Thanks for the reply.
Actually the 3 aspects which i had mentioned in the previous post was the guidelines i wanted to follow in the beginning. However, except the 3rd point(Seperating whether process inside or outside the system), i am following the first two.
>>But remember that your very first step in creating data flow diagrams (i.e., Ganes & Sarson) is the most critical. >>
Actually while drawing the process flow chart i did not use Gane and Sarson notation. In MS Visio i used (HOME > FLow Chart> Cross Functional Flow Chart) for depicting the process flow( In this case i m depicting an SCM flow in a small scale manufacturing unit. Right from Planning, purchase..till the despatch..to the distributors.
>>Resist the overwhelming temptation to first think about processes and then think about how to hook them up via data flows.>>
I could not understand the above fully. Can you please elaborate it.
Also few more clarifications But Let me explain my methodology. I am sitting with the Business and the IT team over and capturing the information.
First is the Process Flow chart with respect to a Specific department /Process(EG: IN SCM how MRP is captured or works)
THen i explain the process flow chart
Then i attach the screen shots which pertains to the Specific Process mapped in the ERP.
How you do feel about this.
Also i saw lots of notation- Gane & Sarson, the flow chart notation i am using, BPMN.. which is the exact one to use. according to you..Hope you understood my task and methodology.