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New Post 9/30/2008 8:35 AM
User is offline vinny
66 posts
8th Level Poster

Re: can bpmn process begin with parallel gateway? 

Thanks for the advice, Guy. 

Above is what I've come up with for the beginning of the process.  Please note that I must specify how the Accounting Clerk gets the data to post into the spreadsheets.  I hope it's valid BPMN!

Again, I really appreciate you taking the time to help me, Guy.


New Post 9/30/2008 8:53 AM
User is offline Guy Beauchamp
257 posts
5th Level Poster

Re: can bpmn process begin with parallel gateway? 


I am very glad to be of some use!

Regardless of whether your diagram is valid BPMN - does it define your processes as that is what matters.

My observations from a BA perspective are

1. this appears to be a physical (as opposed to logical) model

2. it looks like it is modelling "as is" and not "to be" processes

3. programming and accounting swimlanes are in scope (ie they could be changed or change what they do by your project)

4. the initial parallel is another way of saying that the trigger "beginning of month" triggers both process lines at the same time (the other way would be just to have the trigger going straight in to both processes - one trigger firing that starts 2 processes MUST start them at the same time).

5. I would be interested to see the process specs as I would have thought that only one process was required for each process line triggered by start of month (the copy and paste process being a physical process that is part of each preceeding process) - I guess I would challenge the level of detail on the diagram...probably too low...

A couple of (not very important in themselves) BPMN notes:

1. Two processes with the same name ARE the same process (but I think the 'paste data in to worksheet' processes are using different data which means they are different so would need to be named differently)

2. Message flows ususally communicate between a process step and an out of scope pool/swimlane (not another swimlane within scope of the project)

You said "I hope it's valid BPMN!" - why must it be valid BPMN if it is modelling your processes? Is there another reason why it has to be valid BPMN?


New Post 9/30/2008 10:52 AM
User is offline vinny
66 posts
8th Level Poster

Re: can bpmn process begin with parallel gateway? 
Modified By vinny  on 9/30/2008 12:54:11 PM)

Great advice, Guy...  Man, you're picking that sucker apart

1)  Correct.

2)  Correct.

3)  If I'm understanding you correctly, correct.

4)  Correct.  About the other route that you propose:  I thought you could only have one sequence flow exiting a start event, per the Spec?  (I know, I know, I'm talking about validity again; but I want my diagrams to conform to the Spec as closely as possible.    Plus, who knows, maybe someday I'll want to generate code from my diagrams.  Or perhaps I read too much into Bruce Silver's 'valid' approach.  It would make sense, of course, to do what you propose, just as if two sequence flows were exiting a task, which denotes parallel flow...)

5)  Yeah, I put that together quickly more to illustrate how I was thinking of approaching the parallel stuff, so the tasks may be a little ambiguous.  I'll make that part more explicit soon.

1)  Yeah, that was because I wanted to prepare something quick just for show-and-tell.

2)  Well, I wanted to indicate explicitly that the Accounting Clerk triggered the Programmer's process via e-mail, so that's the best way I knew how.  I initially had the Programmer and Accounting Clerk in the same pool and in different lanes.  But then I thought, 'Well, technically messages are being sent back and forth, so why not use separate pools for each Participant?'  It just seemed to make more sense to indicate that the Programmer was triggered by a message event and then the Programmer responded with a message back to the Accounting Clerk.  I welcome any alternative proposals here, of course.

Thanks again, Guy!!!!!!!


New Post 9/30/2008 12:05 PM
User is offline vinny
66 posts
8th Level Poster

Re: can bpmn process begin with parallel gateway? 

EDIT:  I just found in the Spec, "Multiple Sequence Flow MAY originate from a Start Event. For each Sequence Flow that has the Start Event as a source, a new parallel path SHALL be generated."  So then I was under the incorrect assumption that only one sequence flow could exit the start event.  My bad!

New Post 10/1/2008 1:12 AM
User is offline Guy Beauchamp
257 posts
5th Level Poster

Re: can bpmn process begin with parallel gateway? 


I'm glad you are finding this so useful!

Not too much for me to add here except for the comment about the message flows:

1. from a BPMN point of view having an intermediate message based event means that there was a message that triggered the next process: you don't have to show it through a message flow.

2. if programmer and accounting clerk are in the same organisation then they are swimlanes in that organisation. If they are not part of the same organisation then they are pools. I take "being part of the same organisation" here to mean that they are part of a structure (financial and/or managerial) that intersects at some point to the same unit. It would important from a scope and non-functional requirements perspective to know which is the true representation.

The other genaral point I'd like to raise is this - you mentioned (maybe as an afterthought) that you wanted the model to be valid BPMN as you might generate code from it one day. Well, if this is a physical model of the "as is" process you won't be generating code from it. So I am still intrigued to know what is driving you to have a valid BPMN diagram (as opposed to one that just models the subject matter accurately but may or may not be valid BPMN)?


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