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New Post 1/15/2020 4:35 PM
User is offline MadiMo
31 posts
9th Level Poster

Business Analysis often confused with Business Analytics! 


I believe this is a contemporary confusion in the work place these days. I often see advertisements for a Business Analysis Role that confuses this title with Business Analytics, Data Analyst or Statistician. 

The Business Analyst role to me is exclusive about data, it is not about being an SQL Developer or Statistician. It does incorporate some insight analysis but the core tasks include process mapping, requirements gathering and documentation, impact and option assessment plus contributions to the Business Case and Project Initiation Documents.

What many recruiters seem to confuse these days is the Business Analysis with the Business Analytics.

I hope some communities and groups can highlight this because it is kinda messing up the science and the knowledge of the Business Analysis Role.

If you also face this issue please share your comments.

Thank You



New Post 1/27/2020 7:31 AM
User is offline Stewart F
119 posts
7th Level Poster

Re: Business Analysis often confused with Business Analytics! 

Hi MadiMo, 

I haven't personally come across this, but I could see that it is certainly possible. 

Here in the UK, the majority of Agencies do actually know what a BA does, indeed one or two that I know use to be BAs. That said, I have or more than one occasion a CV sent to me to review about offering them a role, who clearly have never been a BA and when you talk to the candidate, they clearly don't really want to be one. Why does the Agency send the CV then, I hear you ask?

Well, and I don't know if this happens in other countries, but here in the UK, some company/Agencies work on a contract basis of every CV the Agency sends the Company they are due a payment. So some unscrupulous Agencies deliberately send any old CV in, however obvious they aren't a BA. This is annoying both for me and for the candidate as it wastes both our times, but it does happen. 

Not quite what you were referring to, but similar. 

I did have a chat with our Head of Data. I asked him if he ever had that sort of problem. Whilst he said he hadn't directly, he does find that very few Agencies seem to realise the difference between a BI, Business analytics and a MI Analyst. All 3 are different roles, looking at different areas, but often he finds CVs being sent to him for the same candidate for each role. A bit like a BA being put forward for a Project Manager role I guess.

Still, an interesting topic I will admit.  

New Post 2/3/2020 2:51 PM
User is offline MadiMo
31 posts
9th Level Poster

Re: Business Analysis often confused with Business Analytics! 

Thank you very much for the information and the insight. To be honest, most of the job advertisements I see for a Business Analysis are often confused with a Business Intelligence Analyst. They just put the headline for a Business Analyst and when you get inside you find them asking for SQL, Data Analysis..etc. This has no main role to do with Business Analysis. The unfortunate fact is that this does not always come from an agency but also you find it posted by the direct business.

Many thanks again and Kindest Regards,



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