I have also been looking at more sophisticated tools for managing requirements end-to-end between BAs, developers, testers, and PMs. Some of the tools we've looked at are:
I have yet to find what I would consider an all-encompassing solution, so I expect some customization will occur with whatever we decide on (like a VSTS integrated tool).
Great reply.
Keep on sharing.
I use MS Word for my intial discovery document with MS Visio for diagrams. For requirements i often start with spreadsheets, but our official tool at work is DOORS.
It does offer good traceability but is fiddly to use. The worse feature is the method for adding a row. This is one of the most common things we do, but its a real pain.
I think the designers need to spend more time with their customers!
We also use Visio for proces maps, its OK but if you need to move things, watch out!
I love Bizagi at home. Its so easy for process maps, Microsoft look out! more tools nedd to be designed this way.
For requirement discovery meetings, well its the good old paper and post it notes.
whatever you use, think of your audience.
The BI Companion - web based, no installation, fast, OLAP cubes,reports, dashboards, Drag-and-Drops, easy for use..
The next step would be the BI Portal, which includes all that + report server companion, report viewer, interactive dahsboards, data mining companion, charts and maps
Both have free trial versions, downloads from the official site of the developer, support and help if needed
i am using some software in my computer system that is..
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