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New Post 10/24/2008 3:39 AM
User is offline Tshego
21 posts
9th Level Poster

Presentation Pointers 
Modified By Tshego  on 10/24/2008 5:41:02 AM)

Hi Everyone,

Could anyone help me with pointers for a 'report back' presentation?

I have just completed a non-technical project for a client and have to give a report back to a team of Snr. BA’s and PM’s on the successes and challenges that I went through.

FYI – By 'non-technical', I’m referring to the fact that I didn’t have to do any modelling and not much analysis for the project.

I think and I stand to be corrected, that the objective of the presentation is to relay the importance of people (communication) skills as an effective tool in business analysis.

I’ve never done a presentation before and I don’t know where to begin.
Any help would be appreciated.


New Post 10/24/2008 9:41 AM
User is offline BigT
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Re: Presentation Pointers 


You have said several things in your message: this is my understanding of the key points:

1) You have to report back to your colleagues, in a formal presentation.

2) The subject of the presentation was a recent project for which you didn't do much modelling.

3) The main objective of the presentation is to explain what went well/went less well.

4) An additional objective is to give you practice of preparing and giving a presentation.

Assuming the above is correct....

A) Make some notes of the key points you want to make i.e. what did you achieve, what were the problems - how did you overcome them? etc.  Start off with headings, then sub headings.  (Mindmapping is good, if you know the technique.)

B) Always think of the intended audience - what do your colleagues want to know about?  You have to imagine yourself in their position - what questions would they ask? - try to answer the question first.  Therefore, for each heading that you have just defined, re-word it as a question and then answer it - this form the text.  Write it out on an index card or as a PowerPoint slide - however you decide to present it.

e.g. If your heading was "XYZ Project successfully completed on time" - reword it as "How did I complete the XYZ Project on time?" a) Clear stakeholder identification & engagement b) Huge amount of weekend working c) etc

C) The "importance of people (communication) skills" that you mentioned may be one item that you'd prefer to address, but as one of the success factors, under an appropriate heading.

Hope this helps - good luck!

New Post 10/27/2008 12:56 AM
User is offline Tshego
21 posts
9th Level Poster

Re: Presentation Pointers 

Thank you very much tonytoo.

Your understanding is quite correct as I'm looking to achieve all the things that you have listed.

I'll try the techniques you've suggested.

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