I did the use case detail to show why the solution cannot be an actor.
Ok - another way to put it: actors are users of the solution that the use case description documents the requirements for. By putting the solution as an actor you are declaring that the solution is using (another?!) solution that you are going to document the detailed requirements for.
It doesn't make sense, does it? So - no the solution can not be an actor on a use case diagram...unless the solution is out of scope for the requirements you are documenting!
I hope that helps and is clearer.
"the system user will be informed by the results of those processes"
That's your use case.
If something isn't part of an interaction with an external actor, no one will ever know whether it's implemented or not. That's why
One of the questions you need to keep asking is "is this really the requirement, or is it a presumed realization?" Leave design to the developers.
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