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New Post 8/27/2008 5:59 AM
User is offline srikanth
33 posts
9th Level Poster

Transition Plan 

Hello every one.

Hi after 4 months struggle atlast I got placed as a Business Analyst.  This is my 2nd week of my Job. 1st week I was looking at the Business process(As-is model)  and I   read documents based on the new project that they are going to launch.

Now at present I was given the task of preparing transition plan document . My programmm manager has explained me what exsactly he is looking for . But instead I want to know how a transition plan consistsof. Any articles or information related to it please can any one post to me.

\thank you,



New Post 8/27/2008 10:04 AM
User is offline Tony Markos
493 posts
5th Level Poster

Re: Transition Plan 


Is your as-is model logical ? (i.e., does it capture the essential unchanging functionality?).   Do you have a logical to-be model in addition to your logical as-is model?   If so, your transition plan  is simply a matter of making note of the differences between the as-is and the to-be and then adding on any implementation specifics.



New Post 8/27/2008 11:43 AM
Online now... Adrian M.
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Re: Transition Plan 
Modified By Adrian M.  on 8/27/2008 1:44:01 PM)

First of all Congratulations on your new job!

On the transition plan, you need clarify if the transition plan is for just BA scope for includes the entire project (aka transition from one system to another).  If it is for the overall project then it looks like you might also be acting as project manager.

As Tony was saying, you need to understand the AS-IS state and the TO-BE state and then you need to consider what you need to do (the strategy) to get from point A to point B including:

  • The requirements,
  • The functional specs (if any),
  • The actual system development,
  • QA,
  • New hardware/network infrastructure,
  • User manual/training materials,
  • Transition of users from old to new system
  • etc.

- Adrian

Adrian Marchis
Business Analyst Community Blog - Post your thoughts!
New Post 8/28/2008 5:29 AM
User is offline srikanth
33 posts
9th Level Poster

Re: Transition Plan 


Thankyou for reply.

First thing that right now Business process model(as-is ) is done and to-be is not yet done.

First week I have studies what the project is about, requirements, as there are things are still pending(means not yet  decided) on 3rd party vendor, and TO-BE is yet to be documented, and  the programm manager has given me the task of making transition plan by understanding the business by writting more on assumptions and constraints , use models if necessary.

He made some analysis on the project roll out plan by using expected numbers on certain areas. So I have understood  those documents Now I want to know how I can document transition plan based on present facts(as-is), expected figures, numbers, project plan , requirements.

As the requirements (detailed ) are not yet framed technically.

Thank you,




New Post 8/29/2008 9:17 AM
User is offline Tony Markos
493 posts
5th Level Poster

Re: Transition Plan 


If you need to understand the business more than what you current as-is tells you, you are not done with your as-is. 

Rule of thumb from what I was taught and have experienced:  Ninty-eight percent (98%) of the required work is coming up with an adequate as-is model.  The other 2% includes developing a scope document, creating a to-be model, identifying assumptions, etc.


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