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New Post 12/14/2012 10:17 AM
User is offline Shelly
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Is the BA expected to create the requirements without stakeholders? 

 I am a new BA in a new job for only six weeks.  I was tasked with a new enhancement to a website.  I brainstormed all the major requirement area story cards.  I got to the meeting with the stakeholders this morning, and they wouldn't review any of the areas to discuss.  They looked at me and said 'this is why we hired you for you to be the expert and design/create them all'


Now, I do remember from other BA's I've talked to in the past that all requirements are gathered, and approved, by the stakeholders.   Should I really be tasked with making these up????


THANKS to everyone for helping with this I am just blown away~

New Post 12/14/2012 12:16 PM
User is offline Tony Markos
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Re: Is the BA expected to create the requirements without stakeholders? 


I have been around awhile.  Over the course of 20 + years of experience, I can remember BA's, Developers, Testers, and Tech Writers all being asked to "let their imagination run wild" about what the system users want/need.   It isn't logically correct, but it happens. 

Along with your requirements doc, create a list of assumptions about the end-users that you are imagining.  Be sure they accompany the requirements docs.

Look at it this way.   These people are weak.   Therefore, there is a real opportunity for  you to rapidly advance via filling the competency gap.

New Post 12/14/2012 9:43 PM
User is offline Shelly
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Re: Is the BA expected to create the requirements without stakeholders? 

 Tony what great advice!!!   I just can't thank you enough.  They are weak, rude, self-consumed, and I see that now, and I'm new and they want me to fail.  Adding the list of assumptions is a great idea, but I'm not sure how quickly I can advance but I would like to shine.  I'm working my arse off on this new project with no help.  Thanks so much I so value your feeback 

New Post 1/2/2013 1:43 PM
User is offline dldelancey
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Re: Is the BA expected to create the requirements without stakeholders? 

Eeww.  Unfortunately, it happens.  I would caution you to figure out how you might get someone to sign off on your requirements.  If these people really do want you to fail, a little CYA is in order.  A lot, actually.  This type of stakeholder is the kind who will, ultimately, say "but you didn't give me what I wanted."  Never mind the fact that he never told you what he wanted.

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