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New Post 4/5/2012 11:35 AM
User is offline M.Islam
18 posts
9th Level Poster

Re: Use Case feedback 

 Yes you are right it is displayed when someone asks for it. Thank you for your feedback.

I also wanted to ask you how to approach to SME and Business Partners when they are totally new to use case approach. I need to gather information about alternate path and exception path and review with them as well. Since they are new to Use Case Scenario how to approach them better without making them feeling i am wasting their time. Thank you.

New Post 4/5/2012 4:58 PM
User is offline Kimbo
456 posts
5th Level Poster

Re: Use Case feedback 
Maybe one way is to say you are identifying in detail all the functionality and the business rules around that functionality that the system needs to support. Next step when you have finished is to define the screens and reports that realise that functionality. Good luck. Kimbo
New Post 4/5/2012 6:51 PM
User is offline M.Islam
18 posts
9th Level Poster

Re: Use Case feedback 

Thank You.

I really want to be good at making detail use cases. How can I improve myself?

Also do you know any simple way to learn SQL. I have tried different websites but not making much progress. I have come to the IT department straight from Business side. so not much technical background or experience. How it would effect me moving forward if i want to move up the ladder in future?

New Post 4/5/2012 7:17 PM
User is offline Chris Adams
323 posts
5th Level Poster

Re: Use Case feedback is one of the best sites that I have found for tutorials on various scripting languages like SQL, HTML and other related technologies. 

Chris Adams
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New Post 4/9/2012 10:58 AM
User is offline M.Islam
18 posts
9th Level Poster

Re: Use Case feedback 

 I have one more question to KIMBO/ or anyone else regarding one use case sitution.

Lets say Business User sends email to a distribution list for creating ticket when the Business Users find any error to the files that was bein created by system. In this situation who is the primary actor is it Distribution list (a list of people) or the Business User sending an email for questions on issues ? I am asking for specific Use Case such as when Business user sends an email asking questions about any issue or discrepancies?


Thank You for previous feedback.


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