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New Post 3/11/2012 4:32 AM
User is offline Kimbo
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Re: Should i use the Use cases OR general requirement description OR flow charts when writing a system a 
Modified By Kimbo  on 3/11/2012 7:46:35 AM)

Back in the day, we used to talk about functional decomposition. To me there are two phases in defining a system where we still do this. The first is where we go from a set of textual requirements gathered from our business stakeholders i.e. the system shall ....  type statements.  

Requirements give us a textual definition of "what" we want. Our first decomposition is then to look at these requirements and work out what processes, functions, rules, etc we need to realise these requirements. This is sometimes called detailed business requirements or functional requirements. I use business use cases at this level. At this point we are still dealing in the 'what' we want. It is not design.

The next decomposition is to look at 'what' we want and define 'how' we want it to work - design a solution to our requirements. At this point we are into defining screens, reports, interfaces, etc. These are the thing that end up being developed.

I think the essence of being a BA is being good at these two decompositions. It is what the 'A' in BA stands for! This is how we earn our money. The rest is just bells and whistles. I'm being simplistic but being a BA is really a pretty simple thing and we tend to complicate it unnecessarily I think. Get good at doing these two things and I guarantee you'll have success as a BA.



New Post 3/12/2012 1:31 AM
User is offline KJ
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Re: Should i use the Use cases OR general requirement description OR flow charts when writing a system a 

 Kimbo wrote

It is what the 'A' in BA stands for! This is how we earn our money. The rest is just bells and whistles. I'm being simplistic but being a BA is really a pretty simple thing and we tend to complicate it unnecessarily I think. Get good at doing these two things and I guarantee you'll have success as a BA.


Hear! Hear! Cant agree more. Its seems that our profession is being complicated unnecessarily!

Here is a rather awkward analogy.

If you want to loose weight all you have to do is exercise really strenuously for 10-15 minutes to SWITCH ON your metabolism; and once your metabolism is on, you'll burn fat. (of course you have to eat less than you burn) Yet, most GYMs and personal trainers will let you exercise for 30-45 minutes. Why? They cant justify charging for 10 minutes only!It seems that we are becoming BAs with lots of methods, techniques, cerificates  etc. I'm beginning to think the AGILE mob has some merit!

warm regards,


New Post 3/14/2012 12:27 PM
User is offline R_Sloan
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Re: Should i use the Use cases OR general requirement description OR flow charts when writing a system a 

Hi Kimbo,

This is a great 'system'.  I would be interested in reading --

  1. how are you receiving / gathering information in each of the steps above, e.g. Textual requirements are gather via emails, meetings, and Word documents
  2. how are you giving information in each of the steps above, e.g. Textual requirements are shared via emails, meetings, and Word documents
  3. who you are working with on each of these steps, e.g. Business process are defined by the Business unit requesting the data set for a quarterly report
  4. any sample artifacts you can share would be great


New Post 3/15/2012 4:38 AM
User is offline Kimbo
456 posts
5th Level Poster

Re: Should i use the Use cases OR general requirement description OR flow charts when writing a system a 

 Hi Sloan,

Reading between the lines, I think your questions are really about how to take the techniques in the BABoK and apply them to modelling a system. Am I right?

That seems to be the major flaw in the BABoK. The BABoK is really like the user guide that goes through all the screens and stuff in detail but omits the "how to" type information that allows you to put it all together into something useful. "How to" guides are much harder to write of course.

Anyway, I can't really answer that in a sentence or two. Been thinking of writing an eBook. Is that something you'd be interested in?

Happy to answer specific questions you may have of course.


New Post 3/15/2012 9:32 AM
User is offline Tony Markos
493 posts
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Re: Should i use the Use cases OR general requirement description OR flow charts when writing a system a 


Come back from the dark side!  Decomposition - especially more than one or two levels down - using Use Cases (business or not).   Auuggggjhhh!!


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