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New Post 11/4/2007 8:03 PM
User is offline kris
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10th Level Poster

Re: Requiremens Role-play: Bank ATM Example 

Hi Adrian (S/H) and Sr.BA’s,

I have now prepared my 2nd list of questions that have been derived based on the answers provided by the S/H.

My process leading to the preparation to this new list:

The answers provided by the S/H helped me make a list of possible requirements for the ATM solution. (post dated - 10/29/2007 6:41:13 PM)

However some answers were vague and I needed clarification to clearly define the requirements.

This 2nd list of questions identifies the questions that will help me clearly define the requirement list. (The req ref no is associated the requirement list I am preparing - related to post dated - 10/29/2007 6:41:13 PM)

The answers from this list should help me prepare a list of more clear and specific requirements for the ATM solution.

The stakeholder column is just an indication to who I am addressing my question.

Next step:

Once the S/H answers my questions I will update the requirements list and pass it on to the S/H for an initial review. (But this will depend on how much clear information I can get from the S/H and how many more questions come up from the next answer list)

My questions to Sr.Ba’s

I am not too sure how to approach the IT experts with my verification and security questions. Hence questions 3, 16 & 17 may be quite vague. Are there any specific questions I need to think about when addressing these issues?

My questions 5-11 may be a bit elaborate but I wanted to expand as much as possible so I could get more detailed answers from the S/H. (I hope the questions are not too confusing)

Is there a different thought process I should follow to help me ask more specific questions and get more clear requirements?







Req ref no


I have made a note that the system shall validate the debit card entered by the customer through an authorised PIN number. How many digits would you prefer the PIN to be? (4 digits or 5 digits). For security purposes I will have to confirm your response with the IT department as well.

The synchronisation of ATM PIN with the online PIN number will be looked into more detail in the next phase if required.











The system shall lock the customer’s access if the customer enters the incorrect PIN thrice. Are you happy for the system to work this way?

For security purposes I will have to confirm your response with the IT department as well.





The system shall interact with the main on-line applications to display the customer’s savings, cheque, CD and money market accounts.

What are the important applications that

3.1 Are there any issues we need to be aware of that would interrupt the ATM software to interact seamlessly with the online banking system?

Confirmed by S/H but need to talk to the online application experts and the IT team.




I need more specific information about the different accounts and what types of transactions are applicable to each account.


The answer - ‘All accounts should be accessible in one form or another from the ATM machine’ is very vague. I need to understand more specific information about the type of accounts and the functions for each type of account.

I also need to confirm if the customer can conduct as many transactions a day until they reach the maximum amount for the day.

To help me understand the functions of the ATM in detail I need questions 5-11 answered.




Is the minimum and maximum amount of cash withdrawn applicable to all types of accounts (in total) maintained by the customer?

Example: Assume maximum amount permitted to be withdrawn at the ATM each day = $800

5.1 Does this mean a customer can withdraw only $800 (in total) per day from all their accounts or will it vary for each type of account?

$800 for saving, $800 for cheque etc.





6.1 What is the minimum and maximum amount of cash a customer can withdraw from the savings account each day?

Is this maximum amount restricted to only the amount withdrawn at the ATM or does it include purchases at the grocery store and cash withdrawn at the grocery store as well?

Example: Assume maximum amount permitted to be withdrawn at the ATM each day = $800

Can the customer carry out the following transactions on the same day:

·         Withdraw $ 800 and on the same day from the ATM

·         Make a purchase at the grocery store for $15 and at the same time

·         Withdraw another $200 from the grocery store as cash out?

6.2 How many cash withdrawal transactions are permitted from the savings account each day?

Is it restricted to a number or can the customer have unlimited transaction as long as they do not exceed the maximum amount permitted each day?

If you have a specific number of transactions for each day then:

Is this number of transactions restricted to only the transactions carried out at the ATM or does it include the transactions carried out at the grocery store and the cash withdraws carried out at the grocery store as well?

We may have to keep in mind that the ATM may end up being used by customers of other banks as well. So we may want to follow the same minimum and maximum amounts used by other banks ATM’s. (Just a suggestion)




Can Cyberbank customers withdraw cash from cheque accounts or is this account only to write cheques? If Yes then

7.1 What is the minimum and maximum amount of cash a customer can withdraw from the cheque account each day?

Is this maximum amount restricted to only the amount withdrawn at the ATM or does it include purchases at the grocery store and cash withdrawn at the grocery store as well?

Example: Assume maximum amount permitted to be withdrawn at the ATM each day = $800

Can the customer carry out the following transactions on the same day:

·         Withdraw $ 800 and on the same day from the ATM

·         Make a purchase at the grocery store for $15 and at the same time

·         Withdraw another $200 from the grocery store as cash out?

7.2 How many cash withdrawal transactions are permitted from the cheque account each day?

Is it restricted to a number or can the customer have unlimited transaction as long as they do not exceed the maximum amount permitted each day?

If you have a specific number of transactions for each day then:

Is this number of transactions restricted to only the transactions carried out at the ATM or does it include the transactions carried out at the grocery store and the cash withdraws carried out at the grocery store as well?

7.3 If No should this account be displayed in the ‘Withdraw’ cash option?

Same as 6




8.1 CD account’s are generally locked for a set period of time. So can a customer withdraw money from this account?

If yes:

What is the minimum and maximum amount of cash a customer can withdraw from the CD account each day?

If No (because the customers are not permitted to break accounts)

What is the withdrawal process for CD accounts? Should this account be displayed when the customer chooses the ‘Withdraw’ option at the ATM or should withdrawals from this account be restricted at the ATM?

Same as 6




9.1 What is the minimum and maximum amount of cash a customer can withdraw from the money market accounts each day?

Is this maximum amount restricted to only the amount withdrawn at the ATM or does it include purchases at the grocery store and cash withdrawn at the grocery store as well?

Example: Assume maximum amount permitted to be withdrawn at the ATM each day = $800

Can the customer carry out the following transactions on the same day:

·         Withdraw $ 800 and on the same day from the ATM

·         Make a purchase at the grocery store for $15 and at the same time

·         Withdraw another $200 from the grocery store as cash out?

9.2 How many cash withdrawal transactions are permitted from the money market accounts each day?

Is it restricted to a number or can the customer have unlimited transaction as long as they do not exceed the maximum amount permitted each day?

If you have a specific number of transactions for each day then:

Is this number of transactions restricted to only the transactions carried out at the ATM or does it include the transactions carried out at the grocery store and the cash withdraws carried out at the grocery store as well?

Same as 6




10.1 Can cash (no coins) be deposited in the savings accounts? If yes what is the minimum and maximum amount?

10.2 Can cash (no coins) be deposited in the cheque accounts? If yes what is the minimum and maximum amount?

10.3 Can cash (no coins) be deposited in the CD accounts? If yes what is the minimum and maximum amount?

10.4 Can cash (no coins) be deposited in the money market? If yes what is the minimum and maximum amount?

10.5 Is there a limit on the number of transactions (in total or individual accounts) permitted in depositing cash into savings, cheque, CD and money market accounts each day?

Same as 6




11.1 What is the minimum and maximum amount (in the cheque) that can be deposited into the cheque account? Can the amount include cents as well?

Example: $100.85

11.2 Can cheques be deposited into saving accounts? If yes what is the minimum and maximum amount?

11.3 Can cheques be deposited in the CD accounts? If yes what is the minimum and maximum amount?

11.4 Can cheques be deposited in the money market? If yes what is the minimum and maximum amount?

11.5 Is there a limit on the number of transactions (in total or individual accounts) permitted in depositing cheques into savings, cheque, CD and money market accounts each day?

Same as 6




An email will need to be sent to the Cyberbank employee (possible administrator) for all errors or when the ATM is inoperable.

Is there a workflow process currently in place for other systems maintained by the IT team and is it possible we can follow a similar process for the ATM software?





When the ATM is not working the system shall automatically display predefined error messages on the screen to enable customers be aware of the technical issue.

An example of a possible technical issue could be when there is a failure of other applications interacting with the ATM.




The system shall notify the Cyberbank employee (possible administrator) when the ATM is running low on cash.

13.1 Will the Cyberbank employee (possible administrator) be notified when the ATM runs low of all denominations or will there be a limit set for all denominations so the Cyberbank employee (possible administrator) is notified as and when the different denominations reaches its low limit.

A workflow process to define this process will need to be identified.

An email will need to be sent to the Cyberbank employee (possible administrator) when cash run low. The cash delivery company is then notified to replace the funds.


The same process will need to happen when the envelopes and printing paper is running low.

Business & IT



The system shall notify the Cyberbank employee when the ATM is running low in envelopes and paper.


An email will need to be sent to the Cyberbank employee (possible administrator) when the ATM is running low on envelopes and paper.

Business & IT



16.1 Based on the answers provided by the business stakeholders what is the verification process we need to consider for this ATM software?





Based on the answers provided by the business stakeholders are there any security issues we need to be aware of for this ATM software to be implemented?









New Post 11/10/2007 9:42 PM
User is offline Adrian M.
764 posts
3rd Level Poster

Re: Requiremens Role-play: Bank ATM Example 
Modified By Adrian M.  on 11/11/2007 1:28:34 AM)

Hi Kris,

Sorry for taking longer to answer your next set of questions - things got busy on my side of the world... ;-)

Here are the answers... I think you are getting very close to having a good list of requirements.

1 Our current systems do not support pin #s so this is new. The pin number should be numeric with a minimum of 4 digits and a maximum of 8.

Stakeholders agree with your suggestion to move to next phase the integration with online pin/id.

2 Hmm… maybe you are correct. The interface for the ATM will be only humanly accessible via the keypad so no automated system would be able to run a password generator against the system. Let’s drop this requirement and for future version could add some sort of alert/warning to our fraud department.

Comment: Great insight and question!

3 IT: There is only one main application that the ATM would have to interact with: The Cyberbank OBS software (Online Banking System) a custom application which supports our on-line banking. The core data center for the ATM solution and OBS will be collocated both for the main and backups sites so there should be no connectivity issues.

The OBS is based upon a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and exposes a number of services which the ATM solution can utilize to interface with the OBS.

Comment: Great question… all business analysts should realize that the end user and project sponsor are not the only source of requirements. There are many other requirements and constraints such as regulatory constraints, technical limitations, existing communication protocols, etc.

4 Main type of banking accounts supported by Cyberbank: Checking, Money Market, Saving, CD.

Checking, Money Market, and Savings accounts should support the following functions: view balance, deposits, withdraw, transfer (between accounts), print mini-statement.

The only feature available for CDs online should be view balance and print mini-statement.

5 Yes the maximum is the same for all accounts and is $300/day. This limit is per account (i.e. customer can get 300 from checking and 300 from savings).

This is a good way to clarify your questions for your stakeholders: give examples with options and ask them to choose - but don’t give them too many choices and keep them simple.

6 Minimum amount is $20.00 and amounts must be in increments of $20.00 up to the limit specified above.

Limit is only for cash at ATM(s) for the given day.

All accounts allow unlimited ATM transactions as long as the daily maximum withdrawal has not been exceeded.

Comment: I like the fact that you asked the same questions for each type of account. While to most folks it might seem redundant and a waste of time, the BA is NOT allowed to assume anything. It is quite fine for the business analyst to have gut feelings but make sure you confirm them with the stakeholders. As a matter of fact, experienced BAs are indirect stakeholders as they many of them have a broader view of the business domain then many of the end users who usually perform only one or two tasks in the bigger process.

7 Same as 6 above.

Comment: One more note on making assumptions… I like to tell my team of BSAs that every time they assume but not confirm they “Make an ASS of U and ME” (aka ASSUME). ;-)

8 No withdrawals at the ATM. This account should not be displayed in the withdraw option. Customers will continue to use the on-line banking system to request withdrawals from CD accounts.

9 Same as 6

10 Cash can be deposited to all accounts which accept deposits. There is no minimum but there is a maximum of $2000.00 for cash deposits (per day). There is no limit on the number of transaction

11 For deposits of non-cash instruments (checks, money order, etc.) there is no minimum or maximum and yes, the total amount can include cents.

However, since all transactions are recorded in the OBS, the rules which are currently enforced by the OBS apply (ex: if the customer deposits a check which cannot be electronically cleared, the funds will be on a 3 day hold (cannot be withdrawn or transferred for 3 days after the deposit)

All accounts which accept deposits behave the same. No limit on the number of transactions.

12 IT: Great question. Yes – the OBS currently has a sophisticate alerting mechanism to notify it staff. The alerts are sent out by e-mail, pagers, cell phones, and audible alerts in our command centre depending on the type of error and severity.

The OBS exposes a webservice which can be used by the ATM system to send out these alerts.

Comment: Great question… rarely do BAs work in an organization so new where nothing exists and everything needs to be built. So try to understand as much as you can about the “AS-IS” of the organization: processes, procedures, systems, etc. You won’t be able to know everything ask lots of questions.

13 Yes – this sounds good. We’ll let the BA team work with IT during the design process to define the types of errors and messages to be displayed (later).

14 There will be only one denomination for withdrawals: the $20 bill.

15 Yes – this is still a requirement.

16 IT: What do you mean by the verification process? Are you referring to Testing, User Accepting, both, something else?

17 IT: Since the core ATM application will be collocated with the OBS, we don’t need to worry about that interface. However, we do need to ensure that all data sent between ATM machine and the data center is encrypted so that wire tapping by hackers does not compromise any information.


- Adrian

Adrian Marchis
Business Analyst Community Blog - Post your thoughts!
New Post 11/13/2007 6:32 PM
User is offline kris
12 posts
10th Level Poster

Re: Requiremens Role-play: Bank ATM Example 

Hi Adrian,


I do not know what I have done wrong, but I think I have messed up the role play thread. I am not able to post my table and I guess the formatting is bad. Can you please delete the posts I have just put up.

I am not sure why my table is causing this error. When I preview my post it looks fine but the actual post gets messy..



New Post 11/13/2007 9:51 PM
User is offline Adrian M.
764 posts
3rd Level Poster

Re: Requiremens Role-play: Bank ATM Example 

 kris wrote

Hi Adrian,


I do not know what I have done wrong, but I think I have messed up the role play thread. I am not able to post my table and I guess the formatting is bad. Can you please delete the posts I have just put up.

I am not sure why my table is causing this error. When I preview my post it looks fine but the actual post gets messy..



Hi Kris,

No problem - I removed the problem posts.  I'm not sure why the table was not well formatted...  Maybe the thread is getting too large... ;-)  Try again!  FYI: once you post a reply you are the owner of that reply have the ability to edit it.

Best regards,

- Adrian

Adrian Marchis
Business Analyst Community Blog - Post your thoughts!
New Post 11/13/2007 11:54 PM
User is offline kris
12 posts
10th Level Poster

Re: Requirements Role-play: Bank ATM Example 
Modified By kris  on 11/18/2007 4:37:16 PM)

Deleted post due to formatting issues

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