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New Post 4/1/2008 1:24 AM
User is offline kr_BA
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UAT test scenarios using use cases 
Hi All!


If I have to create UAT test scenarios for an application, will use cases solve this purpose,

by considering all main flows, alternative flows plus exceptions from use case descriptions? or some other

better strategy is used for creating UAT scenarios.              

Any suggestions.......


Kumar Rohit




New Post 4/1/2008 3:39 AM
User is offline Craig Brown
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Re: UAT test scenarios using use cases 
Modified By Craig Brown  on 4/1/2008 5:40:17 AM)

You would think that use cases would suit. I think most believe they are sufficient if they are sufficiently well articulated and complete.

But how do you know?

I think you need to take your UAT to the next level - of end to end business processes which incorporate your use cases and exceptions.  That way you see the whole proces in action and you get to observe how the various tasks string together in the course of doing buisiness.

Remember, most defects in software are there because of poor requirements or a poor understanding of the business context.


Crag Brown

Modern Analyst Core Team Member


New Post 4/1/2008 10:33 AM
Online now... Adrian M.
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Re: UAT test scenarios using use cases 

I agree with Craig! At least some level of UAT should be done in the context of the end-to-end business processes.  For small (localized) changes of requirements, using use case scenarios for UAT will probably suffice.

- Adrian

Adrian Marchis
Business Analyst Community Blog - Post your thoughts!
New Post 4/1/2008 3:03 PM
User is offline bas
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Re: UAT test scenarios using use cases 
Modified By bas  on 4/1/2008 5:04:11 PM)

I would add TS should have the end data values which will be used to test application. The better way when you get UCS and create TS based on them. In this way TS have section of initialization data, steps which user should do (open specific UI, fill data, click on and etc) and what accurate result System should present.

P.S. Sorry if I repeated guys above.

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