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New Post 6/20/2012 11:36 PM
User is offline Sid
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Off a 3 year hiatus - am I on the right track 

 I am coming off a 3 year hiatus. It's a long story that involves serious family issues and some personal exploration. 

I am now interested in getting CBAP certified in orrder to help me re-enter the industry. From there I was planning on looking for work and seeking other certifications (maybe agile, scrum or ccna for more technical strength). Does this sound like a good idea? I figure some classes may also help me build my network and acquire some more relevant references. 

Any advice is appreciated. 


New Post 6/21/2012 12:31 PM
User is offline Tony Markos
493 posts
5th Level Poster

Re: Off a 3 year hiatus - am I on the right track 


Sounds like a plan.   If you find it hard to get a BA job, I would suggest first trying Tech Writing.  It has a lower barrier to entry, and many TW's move on to becoming BA's.  Of course, nowadays, it appears that BA's are much more in demand that TW's.


New Post 6/21/2012 3:57 PM
User is offline Sid
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Re: Off a 3 year hiatus - am I on the right track 

Thanks Tony for the feedback and information. I will definitely look into the TW positions. My background is mostly web design, front end development and project management. I was going to go the Project Management route, but feel the BA role is more fitting since it seems more of a problem solving positions. I know the roles may overlap some, but felt my own skills and interests are better suited toward the BA.


Glad to know I am on the right track.


Thanks again.

New Post 6/22/2012 6:30 AM
User is offline Tony Markos
493 posts
5th Level Poster

Re: Off a 3 year hiatus - am I on the right track 


To be honest, this is what is most important:  Decide what your objective is.    Is it to get a job asap?   Then certificates may be the way to go.   Is it to truely excell as a BA by knowing the essential fundamentals of what REALLY needs to be done?   If that is the case, always remember, and never forget, the BABOK is based on what is popular - not on what logically makes sense.  The two thnigs are very different.


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