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New Post 11/2/2010 6:52 AM
User is offline Mitch
3 posts
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Looking for a Mentor 


 Hi Everyone,

I am new to the Modern Analyst community and have found the BA topics discussed and the knowledge of people contributing to be really exciting. I am 23 years old and graduated early this year from university with a Bachelor of Business Systems. I have chosen to take the self-employed route and have managed to recently secured my first client. I am now currently working for them full time as a external consultant (for the last 3 months). 

I am looking for someone who has experience in the BA field of systems design and implementation that would be willing to mentor me through this early stage of my BA career, and help me to successfully manage my first client. I consider myself very hard working and motivated, and am simply looking for personal advice and guidance online (via email/Skype) from someone who has been down this road before.

If you would like to invest some of your experience into a fledgling BA, I would be delighted to hear from you.

Many thanks for your consideration,



New Post 11/3/2010 11:46 PM
User is offline Craig Brown
560 posts
4th Level Poster

Re: Looking for a Mentor 

Mitch, which city are you in?  It might be bet to get someone who can meet f2f occaisionally.

New Post 11/6/2010 5:03 AM
User is offline Mitch
3 posts
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Re: Looking for a Mentor 

 That's a good idea, however I live on the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

It's not really known as a business center, so I wasn't counting on finding someone around here.

But hey, if there are any BA's on the Gold Coast, that would be a bonus!!!!

New Post 11/7/2010 3:33 PM
User is offline Craig Brown
560 posts
4th Level Poster

Re: Looking for a Mentor 
Modified By Craig Brown  on 11/7/2010 6:35:03 PM)

Mitch you're in luck.  There are some excellent experienced analysts in the GC and Brisbane.  Email me and I'll help put you in touch with them.

New Post 1/2/2013 7:25 PM
User is offline ludasky
5 posts
10th Level Poster

Re: Looking for a Mentor 

 Hi Craig,

I read that you have some contact for mentoring as a BA in the gold coast? Well im from sydney not gold coast, would you happen to know anyone here that might be able to help me? 

Im a QA analyst for an e-commerce travelling company, we dont have a Fulltime BA and i would like to transition into that, any help would be great!


Thank you in advance

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