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New Post 12/11/2007 1:00 AM
User is offline Claire
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10th Level Poster

Re: You got the job, now what? 
Modified By Claire  on 12/11/2007 4:02:12 AM)

Hi, Craig, that's quite similar to my first day on the new job. I found my first formal job since I graduated eventually, even though its not really linked to BA, but I know I need to find some place to start with. So, I choose accounting as my start point..  My job is composed of two, main task is as accounts administrator, and the other task is to help them build a database to manage all their spreadsheets, word document for the unit I work at. 

My first day at work:   Set up my email account, computer login ID, password.  They have different system, as a new bee, I don't have access to most of the systems, and office admin ask me to wait until IS dept fix it. So, I played with email function for a while ( set siganature, add contact detail, and my auto-reply format) until I can get access to some of the folder.  Luckily, my first day is to work with office admin, who in charge of the stationary, so I get my notebook, pen etc, immidiately and I can choose the ones I like         As my job is to work with her, she is quite nice to me. Introduced the dept I would be working in regarding my duties, who I would deal with, their positions, and general introduction to the organization.   In the afternoon, she get me sat with her and taught me what I should do for my positions.  then have a trial by myself.     Quite excited the first day~

But I feel the next day's new staff orientation was more helpful, we were introduced the org culture, all the policies, the org structures, and have a chance to go to several dept I would work with in future and meet the people there for a brief introduction.


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