Hi there,
I stumbled upon your post and I'm glad I did. I am in a very similar situation as I have recently changed careers myself. Please visit http://ifyobijiaku.wordpress.com/
It sounds like you know what you want to do with your career (at least have a direction) - this is half the battle.
I would recommend that you also:
- Adrian
Not to hijack this thread, but I have been asking myself the same types of questions and these were great ideas, Adrian.
Can you recommend some reputable and informative BA training companies that I could check out?
lchung1983 wrote Can you recommend some reputable and informative BA training companies that I could check out?
Since I did not take courses from every business analysis training company I am not qualified to recommend a particular one, however there are many reputable ones out there such as: ESI International, Watermark Learning, ASPE, Requirements Inc., B2T Training, etc.
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