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New Post 5/10/2011 12:28 AM
User is offline swilhite
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iRise Community picking up steam 
Modified By swilhite  on 5/23/2011 2:51:17 PM)

Several years ago, iRise helped form the Catalyze online community for business analysts and UX professionals. Over time, as a sizable subcommunity of iRise users grew within the confines of the Catalyst site, it eventually became clear that the site's features were not meeting our customers' needs. The decision was made to dissolve the Catalyze community and transfer its members here, to the Modern Analyst community. 

iRise Community image

While we stand by this decision, and feel that it was in the best interest of Catalyze members, the dissolution of this community created a significant gap in the online resources available to iRise users. To address this, we recently launched a new iRise Community using the Get Satisfaction platform.

In the few weeks since the community was announced, membership has been growing steadily. More importantly, engagement levels are already high. Members are finding that their questions are being answered quickly, their ideas are being acknowledged and acted upon, and they are being presented with a supportive environment for sharing their own iRise knowledge and expertise. The site's user-friendly features make interacting with other users and iRise employees a pleasurable experience, something we couldn't say about the old Catalyze platform.

If you are an iRise customer, or simply want to learn more about iRise and requirements visualization, we hope you will consider joining the iRise Community!


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