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New Post 3/10/2008 12:28 AM
User is offline wishes
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Analyst's Thought of the Day 

Hello All,

I've created this thread to have an area where analysts can share thier thoughts for everyday life. what happened throughout your day and how you feel about it (as an analyst) and stuff like that.

I will start off...

A couple of bad things happened to me early this morning, but i'll not allow them to spoil my day.... will try to continue the internal consultation tasks I'm handling currently, have to make a meeting with my collegue Hana', Have to review the BR utility and how to apply it in our project....

hope this would be a nice day :)




New Post 3/10/2008 5:38 PM
User is offline David Wright
141 posts
7th Level Poster

Re: Analyst's Thought of the Day 

I got up at 3:00 am today to make a 6:00 am flight... which was delayed til 8:20... another 2 hours sleep I probably won't get back... but the analysis artifact I helped create late last week was a big hit with the client, so a good start to  the week...

David Wright
New Post 3/11/2008 12:18 AM
User is offline wishes
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Re: Analyst's Thought of the Day 

couldn't work on the BR utility yesterday...deployment problem.... the admin will work on it today....

hope to hear good news from him soon :)

New Post 3/19/2008 6:22 PM
User is offline Craig Brown
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Re: Analyst's Thought of the Day 

In jobseeking mode: 

Q. Why is it recruiters want you to have deep technical understanding? 

A. It's so you can challenge them on their plans, designs and work in progress.

My comment: But the techies I have work with have always been dilligent hardworking people who you could trust to do their job well, as long as they knew what it was.  So why do you need to be able to call them on their work?

New Post 9/18/2008 10:27 AM
User is offline Amar
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Re: Analyst's Thought of the Day 

Can anyone share with me what type of questions are on a BA skill test?

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