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New Post 8/25/2009 8:58 AM
User is offline JR
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Hello everyone,

I have almost two decades in electronics maintenance and computer tech support.  I have worked for the last several years as an IT contractor/consultant, but am looking for a change as the competition in this area is getting bad all over (people starting their own "businesses" that know little about the field). I have an Associates degree in Networking and am working on a BS in Business Technology Managment from Regis University.

I guess my question becomes where do I start? I have no idea where to even start redoing my resume or where and what types of jobs to look for. IT positions where I am at are few and far between (mostly state government), with a great amount of competition, and I am overqualified for a lot of them.

I was thinking along the lines of Business or Management analysis. Any tips or help would be greatly appreciated.






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