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New Post 1/15/2009 12:52 PM
User is offline K Robert
9 posts
10th Level Poster

BPM Theory/Concept 
Modified By K Robert  on 1/15/2009 3:52:52 PM)

Hello!  I am a budding modeler and I can't seem to find any info on the "who, what, when, where, & why" of modeling.  Specifically, the importance of Level 0, Level 1, Level 2, etc...  In addition, there's an on going debate among myself and another about modeling at the "task" level and it's value.  As an example, we work on an app that needs some serious modernization, most of which is related to specific processes at the task level.  Would modeling be beneficial here if we wanted to make the process more useful or do you have to start at Level 0 and work your way down?  (Which, from what I understand, is a huge effort that involves buy-in from all parties involved.)

New Post 1/16/2009 6:56 PM
User is offline Craig Brown
560 posts
4th Level Poster

Re: BPM Theory/Concept 

Hi there K

First question; What is your goal?  A minor enhancement to a well known system?  Or build something up from cratch?  Of simply understand the business to identify opportunities or threats?

Second question: What sort of model are you using?  Proces mapping? Context diagrams? etc

Generally my view is that you need to start top down to understand whether all the layers align with each other.  misalignment is a major problem in many enterprises today and addresing the wrong problems can often waste a lot of time and money.

Without knowing any more I would be included to refer you to the six sigma appoach to analysing businesses which inlcudes starting at the high level.)


New Post 1/19/2009 4:08 PM
User is offline K Robert
9 posts
10th Level Poster

Re: BPM Theory/Concept 

Mr. Brown,

Thanks for your response! 

Our goal is to replace an existing app that is a decision-support tool for providing info/action for inquiries based in govt policy.  The concept will remain the same, but we want to undertand the business to identify opportunities to provide a better service to our users.  Currently, specific tasks are interpreted by the analyst and converted into a use-case to be developed.  So, the assumption is, since it's policy, that is the business-process. 

What we want to do is start interviewing our users to see how we can implement these policies while increasing the usefulness of the application by indentifying steps that will provide value and not fluff.

Our problem is...  Our stakeholders believe that the policy dictates business process, but we know that it is not.  Plus, we have several business-units that operate independently that we have to get buy-in from.  That could take years and budgets may or may not facilitate that.

So, we can re-write the app, but it'll be based on the same policy we currently use.  So, the tasks is where I think we should start.  A top-down approach is outside the timeframe of the rewrite.  Having said that, can we proceed with an "open" model that will allow for mitigation of misalignment?

When you say Six Sigma, is that the process improvement that is de facto to BPM?

New Post 1/20/2009 4:59 AM
User is offline Nigelus
23 posts
9th Level Poster

Re: BPM Theory/Concept 

Mr Robert,

Hi there, reading your last post it would seem as though there is a dual requirement here, one for a business process design for this decision-support tool and also the possible requirement for a business rules and decision management peice.

The business process design denoting the start of the process, the various activities, be these people oriented or system oriented, as a workflow design. Instead of encumbering the process layer with a lot of complex business logic to manage the policies and to carry out the decisioning, this can be discovered as requirements and can run as a "service" to the process in what is more currently called an Enterprise Decision Management tool or EDM.

This is fast becoming the integration method of choice for the development of complex business processes. By identifying the complex business logic and managing that separately but integrated with the process layer, changes to policy or decision rules can be carried out without unsettling the process, or changes to the process can be made without unsettling the policies and decision rules. The idea is that business processes are managed by the Operational Team , where policies and decision rules are managed by stakeholders and Business Management.

Does that come across clearly or does it perhaps help?

Regards - Nigel


New Post 1/20/2009 6:19 AM
User is offline K Robert
9 posts
10th Level Poster

Re: BPM Theory/Concept 

Hi Nigel!  You lost me at "Hi there,..." :)  I am not sure how this fits together.  Are you saying that we have to manage 2 processes: the business process & the business logic?  Aren't they one in the same?

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