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New Post 4/5/2015 7:19 PM
User is offline Usha
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.NET Developer to Business Analyst Career Switch 


I worked as a .NET developer for 4 years and has been on a break for 2 years. Now planning to start fresh as a Technical BA.

But I am a little confused, can someone advise me if this is the right career move from career growth perspective?





New Post 4/7/2015 1:39 AM
User is offline BigPicGuy
16 posts
9th Level Poster

Re: .NET Developer to Business Analyst Career Switch 
Modified By BigPicGuy  on 4/7/2015 3:51:19 AM)

Hi Usha,

The answer to your question depends on several factors:

1. Are you someone who has a keen sense of the impact that IT applications that you currently work on, have on the business of your/clients' company?

2. Are you interested in solving business problems or identifying new business growth areas with IT as an enabler?

3. Do workflows, flowcharts, design etc. interest you?

4. Will you be comfortable in a conduit like role between business clients and DEV/QA teams and  be able to translate business language to technical teams?

If your answer to the above generic questions is YES, then Business Analysis may well be a job function for you. You must understand that the definition of this role is dynamic, more so in recent times as several disruptive technologies and methodologies come to the fore.


New Post 4/15/2015 6:31 AM
User is offline DishaDesai
7 posts
10th Level Poster

Re: .NET Developer to Business Analyst Career Switch 
Modified By Modern Analyst  on 4/15/2015 12:34:20 PM)
A software developer can move towards a business analyst role by conducting customer demos, reviewing or updating requirements documentation, incorporating requirements models into technical design documentation, asking open-ended questions about business needs and requirements, or becoming part of the test and implementation process. 

Business analysis is a discipline of working with stakeholders to define an organization’s requirements in order to shape the output of projects and ensure they deliver expected business benefit.


Business analyst certification credential can benefit anyone whose responsibilities focus on working with stakeholders to define an organization’s requirements. The certification validates a practitioner’s knowledge and experience in working with stakeholders—a critical skill needed to shape the output of projects and drive successful business outcomes. It also differentiates practitioners from their non-certified peers—and because it is transferrable across methodologies, industries and geographies, it helps make them more marketable. The certification provides organizations with a measurement by which they can evaluate individuals who perform Business analysis and manage requirements for projects. It also potentially benefits the organizational bottom line.
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