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New Post 1/21/2011 7:55 AM
User is offline BizAnalyst
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What is the differenec between vlookup and Ctrl+F? 

I did a quick glance over and all vlookup seems to do is report the finding of a value or it's adjacent cell..

Or, is this only useful because you cannot use Ctrl+F between multiple workbooks?

New Post 1/24/2011 6:12 PM
User is offline KJ
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Re: What is the differenec between vlookup and Ctrl+F? 

Welcome BizAnalyst79

vLookup is when you writing macros and manipulating formulae. Ctr+F is when you looking (Find and Replace), which can be used to search in all workbooks.

Checkout Excel Help!

warm regards,


New Post 3/21/2011 8:27 PM
User is offline John
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Re: What is the differenec between vlookup and Ctrl+F? 

Vlookup can deal with the whole workbook, ctrl+f only works for one worksheet

New Post 3/22/2011 2:47 AM
User is offline shijudaniel
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Re: What is the differenec between vlookup and Ctrl+F? 

Ctrl+F for single value search, where vlookup can work on a range of values.


ex: vlookup(column_to_search,range_of_data_to_search_and_compare,2,FALSE)






New Post 5/22/2013 1:18 PM
User is offline Christian1977
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Re: What is the differenec between vlookup and Ctrl+F? 


Ctrl+F need to find a value on the table. No requirements.

Vlookup is a function and there are some rules to do it. If you have the same field in two tables you can create a unique table with the fields from both tables. 

Business Analyst Milano - Christian

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