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New Post 5/12/2015 1:21 PM
User is offline Fhyzics
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CBAP Advantage 
Modified By Chris Adams  on 5/12/2015 3:42:08 PM)

what is the advantage of becoming a certified professional.Thanks in advance.  

New Post 5/16/2015 9:22 AM
User is offline NitWitNick
259 posts
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Re: CBAP Advantage 

 The company may look at you more closely than someone who does not have one ... but that person who does not have one might have some great experience to put against you.

Looking at 2 job boards and two types of certificates:


CBAP - 118

PMP - 1958



CBAP - 443

PMP - 1000+


I guess as time goes on ... CBAP will grow in demand.

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