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New Post 8/1/2012 9:50 PM
User is offline sameer khedkar, CBAP
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What is mor echalleging approach for BA, Agile or Waterfall? 

Waterfall and Agile are very different in concept , structure and execution.

Which one of it is more challenging for a BA?

New Post 8/3/2012 6:42 AM
User is offline Anthony Chen
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Re: What is mor echalleging approach for BA, Agile or Waterfall? 

<p>&#160;waterfall. The challenge with waterfall is that for complex systems the difficulty increases exponentially.</p> <p>1) might not be able to visualize the end because the end is so different than what they have today</p> <p>2) If they can visualize the end, there may be many many partially implemented paths to get there. Waterfall completely ignores those.</p> <p>3) Business objectives might change over the course of a long project.</p> <p>4) People get burned out just analyzing things without producing any benefit.</p>

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