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New Post 8/26/2012 5:36 AM
User is offline Javad
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What to do after prototyping? 
Modified By Javad  on 8/27/2012 2:48:04 AM)

 Hi all,

We are working in an educational organization which has a development team to develop the software inside organization. Due to abstract and vague requirements we (the development team) decided to develop a prototype. After working on the prototype it became mature and quite functional. Now managers decided to launch an experimental web site using our prototype to figure out missing requirements or any new need directly from users.

Here is my question: how can we evaluate the prototype to see if it covers the needs of our managers and users in addition to efficiency of the prototype itself. In other words we face two issues:

  1. We want to find any missing requirement
  2. We want to assess prototype against usability guidelines

Are there any guidelines to help us in this process? Can we use usability measurement techniques? What else should we use?

P.s. If we use usability measument techniques per se we cannot figure out the missing requirements.  



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