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New Post 2/28/2008 6:14 AM
User is offline rereis
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Telelogic products 

Has any one use Telelogic products for system analysis,  use cases, diagrams, etc...



New Post 2/28/2008 11:42 AM
User is offline Adrian M.
764 posts
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Re: Telelogic products 

While I have not used them myself, Telelogic DOORS is supposed to be a very good tool for requirements management and Telelogic System Architect is supposed to be a great tool for Visual Modeling.

Adrian Marchis
Business Analyst Community Blog - Post your thoughts!
New Post 10/24/2008 9:21 AM
User is offline BigT
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Re: Telelogic products 

Too late for the original author, but for posterity...

I've just started using Telelogic DOORS for requirements management in the past month and have been very impressed.  In particular, its strength is requirements traceability.

Although there are modelling tools from Telelogic (now owned by IBM), we use Visio and import diagrams into DOORS.

New Post 10/24/2008 8:14 PM
User is offline KJ
243 posts
6th Level Poster

Re: Telelogic products 

Its one of the best tools around. It has been around for a few year and have morfed from Popkin System architect, to Telelogic to IBM.

Its an awesome tool. I've used it on an Enterprise Architecture assignment a few years ago and have recommednded that one of my client use it to make it their main artefact repository.



warm regards,


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