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Book: Working through Screens

Book: Working through Screens
Statistics: 20470 Views // 1 Comments // Article Rating
Posted by: Adrian M on Sunday, December 14, 2008

Working through Screens is a 143-page reference book for product teams creating new or iteratively improved applications for thinking work.

Written for use during early, formative conversations, it provides teams with a broad range of considerations for setting the overall direction and priorities for their onscreen tools. With hundreds of envisioning questions and fictional examples from clinical research, financial trading, and architecture, this volume can help definers and designers to explore innovative new directions for their products.

Working through Screens is built around a suggested overall approach to application design:

Extensive concepting,
based on intensive questioning,
driving visionary, collaboratively defined strategies
for exemplary tools for thought 

Author: Jacob Burghardt, Principal Consultant at Flashbulb Interaction.

[Posted with permission. Working through Screens is freely available by the creative commons license (Attribution-NonCommercial- ShareAlike)]

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Jacob Burghardt posted on Wednesday, January 27, 2010 5:12 PM
Update - "Working through Screens" is now available as a 400 page print on demand book at minimum third party printing costs:

Thank you for your interest!

Jacob Burghardt
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