Humor & Comics for the Business Analyst

July 25, 2010

Humor: Telecommuting Business Analyst: a great idea or a mistake?

Humor - Cartoon: Telecommuting Business Analyst: a great idea or a mistake?


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posted on Monday, July 26, 2010 3:48 AM
Love it! Particularly the facial expressions. Currently most of my stakeholders are in subsidiaries in other Southern African countries so we, perforce, use teleconferencing a lot - generally, from our desks or a boardroom in our various offices so most likely no-one is driving a gaming console, but we're all very familiar with the sticky silence when someone has tuned out and is working on something other than the topic under discussion...
undrkvabrtha posted on Tuesday, November 5, 2013 6:48 PM
Very true, Pat.

I'm South African & Australian, and work in both these countries.

The teleconferencing bit has been around in Oz for a while - just as it has in ZA.

And yes, it is quite palpable even over a 'phone line when people tune out (the work culture that doesn't hold these people accountable is probably at the bottom of this)

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