Books for the Business Analyst

Web Design For Dummies, 2nd Edition

Web Design For Dummies, 2nd Edition
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Categories: Technical Topics

Author(s): Lisa Lopuck
Paperback: 336 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0471781172

Many software development books teach you how to build the product right. This one focuses on building the right product. Ellen Gottesdiener introduces the breakthrough Requirements Workshop technique, and demonstrates how to use it to identify customer's needs far more effectively, and specify new software systems far more quickly and accurately. The authors begin by reviewing the challenges of specifying software requirements, showing how Requirements Workshops address these challenges, and explaining the process of designing and running workshops. Through practical examples and case studies, they identify the best approaches to workshop design, and thoroughly explain the deliverables that workshops generate. This is the first book to fully integrate coverage of user requirements modeling, including UML-based use cases, business rules, and collaborative techniques designed to strengthen the relationship between IT and the business. Author Ellen Gottesdiener also introduces her breakthrough collaboration patterns -- powerful collections of group behavior that can be reused in a wide variety of software projects. For every developer, analyst, architect, and manager involved with creating or utilizing requirements specifications. 


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