Books for the Business Analyst

Database Design for Mere Mortals(R): A Hands-On Guide to Relational Database Design (2nd Edition)

Database Design for Mere Mortals(R): A Hands-On Guide to Relational Database Design (2nd Edition)
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Author(s): Michael J. Hernandez
Paperback: 672 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0201752847

Programmers and software architects don't really make a conscious decision to design an application (particularly one with online exposure) around the three-tier model-view-controller design pattern anymore. Three-tier, largely because of its adaptability and stability, is the norm. All of which means you need a database to underpin each of your applications. Designing your databases correctly can make the difference between slow-running, complicated code and software that's speedy, modular, and easy to work with. Database Design for Mere Mortals prepares someone with only a passing familiarity with databases for the important job of building the persistence layer (also called the data model) for software.


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