Books for the Business Analyst

The DAMA Dictionary of Data Management, 2nd Edition: Over 2,000 Terms Defined for IT and Business Professionals

The DAMA Dictionary of Data Management, 2nd Edition: Over 2,000 Terms Defined for IT and Business Professionals
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Author: DAMA International
Paperback: 260 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1935504122

About the Author

DAMA International is a not-for-profit, vendor-independent association of technical and business professionals dedicated to advancing the concepts and practices for data resource management and enterprise information. The primary purpose of DAMA International is to promote the understanding, development, and practice of managing data and information to support business strategies. DAMA International has chapters throughout the world. As a DAMA member you receive the benefits of your local chapter's activities. You can network with other professionals to share ideas, trends, problems, and solutions. You will receive a discount at DAMA International conferences and seminars, and on associated vendor's products and services. DAMA also has a virtual Global chapter. As a member of the Global chapter, you receive all the benefits of DAMA International.


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