Books for the Business Analyst

Lean Six Sigma Secrets for the CIO: ITIL, COBIT, and Beyond

Lean Six Sigma Secrets for the CIO: ITIL, COBIT, and Beyond
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Author: William Bentley
Paperback: 288 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1439803790

 Going beyond the usual how-to guide, Lean Six Sigma Secrets for the CIO supplies proven tips and valuble case studies to illustrate how to combine Six Sigma’s rigorous quality principles with Lean methods for uncovering and eliminating waste in your IT processes. Using these methods, the text explains how to take an approach that is all about improving IT performance, productivity, and security—as much as it is about cutting costs. Savvy IT veterans describe how to use Lean Six Sigma with IT governance frameworks such as COBIT and ITIL and warn why these frameworks should be considered starting points rather than destinations.

This complete resource for CIOs and IT managers provides effective strategies to address the human element that is so fundamental to success and explains how to maximize the voice of your customers while keeping in touch with the needs of your staff. And perhaps most importantly—it provides the evidence needed to build your case to upper management.

Supplying you with the tools to create methods that will bring out the best in your employees; Lean Six Sigma Secrets for the CIO provides the understanding required to manage your IT operations with unique effectiveness and efficiency in service of the bottom line.


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