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What is BPMN?

Posted by Chris Adams

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Categories: Business Analysis, Systems Analysis, Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN)


BPMN stands for Business Process Model and Notation, it is an industry standard that provides businesses with the capability of visualizing and communicating their internal business processes and their external business to business processes in a standard manner. Beyond the obvious use of modeling business processes, BPMN has been created with the key goal of creating a bridge between the business process modeling notation (BPMN) and IT-oriented execution languages that will implement the modeled business processes within a business process management system.

This is done by maintaining and supporting a strict internal model that maps the rich set of graphical objects and object attributes of BPMN to executable languages such as the Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) or Business Process Modeling Language (BPML) to support immediate execution of modeled buiness processes.

Key features and concepts of BPMN include:

  • Symbols and Notation - BPMN utilizes a set of standardized symbols and graphical elements to represent various elements of a business process, such as tasks, events, gateways, and flows. These symbols are intuitive and can be easily understood by both technical and non-technical stakeholders.

  • Process Modeling - BPMN allows for the modeling of end-to-end business processes, capturing their flow, activities, decisions, and interactions. It enables the representation of complex processes, including parallel and sequential flows, loops, and conditional paths.

  • Collaboration and Choreography - BPMN supports the modeling of collaborative processes involving multiple participants or organizations. It allows for the representation of interactions, message flows, and responsibilities between different process participants in the BPMN collaboration diagram.

  • Event-driven Modeling - BPMN includes specific symbols and constructs to represent events that trigger or result from certain activities or states in a process. It enables the modeling of event-driven behavior, such as timers, message events, and error events.

  • Process Governance and Analysis - BPMN provides a foundation for process governance, documentation, and analysis. It enables stakeholders to document and communicate process requirements, analyze process performance, identify bottlenecks, and optimize process flows.

By leveraging BPMN, business and systems analysts can effectively analyze, communicate, and optimize business processes, collaborate with stakeholders, facilitate requirements elicitation, simulate process behavior, support system integration, and ensure compliance with regulations.



Adrian M. posted on Monday, September 24, 2007 4:04 PM
From the business systems analyst perspective, BPMN is a modeling notation which provides the analyst with a rich graphical notation for modeling business processes, sub-processes, and activities.

Many business analysts use BPMN diagrams instead of UML activity diagrams.

In addition, BPMN is a visual notation used by many of today's business process modeling and management tools.
Adrian M.
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